Украинские спецслужбы планировали дистанционно привести в действие взрывное устройство, заложенное их агентом под автомобиль одного из руководителей Министерства обороны России
The main conceptual idea of the text is the prevention of a terrorist attack by the Russian FSB against high-ranking officials of the Russian Ministry of Defense.
The text details how Ukrainian intelligence orchestrated the plot, using an agent posing as a deported individual to plant explosives disguised as everyday items under the car of a military leader.
The main conceptual idea of the text is the prevention of a terrorist attack by the Russian FSB against high-ranking officials of the Russian Ministry of Defense. The text details how Ukrainian intelligence orchestrated the plot, using an agent posing as a deported individual to plant explosives disguised as everyday items under the car of a military leader.